Do you really want to start your project,
but are you having any of these problems?
Have no idea what the layout of the brewery should look like?
Don't know which sectors are mandatory in a brewery?
Don't know what equipment is mandatory in breweries?
Searched everywhere but can't find any
material that explains step by step how to structure your project?
Are you in doubt if your layout will be approved in MAPA?
No experience with industrial beer production?

If you said YESfor at least one of these questions...
Know that the definitive guide to craft brewery projects can help you solve this problem.
What will you find in this guide?
where to start
a little theory
General considerations

What is this Guide and for
that he was created?
What is a project
model craft brewery?
How should I use this Guide?

Legislation on the structure
of the beer industry
industrial installation of
brewery in practice

a brewery
handmade model
understand how you
you can adapt your design
Adapting your project

How to enhance
your project
Business model
your customer
Production volume
Licenses and Registrations
Who Evaluates Your Project?

The partnership you needed

Made in partnership with the largest brewery equipment supplier in Latin America.
Get to know and master the best practices and current machines for mashing, fermentation, chilling and bottling of beers to achieve greater efficiency in your production.
Plus, you'll even have access
to various floor plans

Humanized layout with process flows.
Longitudinal and Transverse Sections.
Hydraulic Project.
Electrical project.
Machine Piping Design.
Coverage Project.
Lining Project.
Three-dimensional Images.
Virtual 3D brewery to visit.

Exactly everything, detail by detail, of the ideal architecture for your brewery, is like a visit to a factory, but through digital.
This will make it even easier for you to get a real sense of how your brewery should be built and adapt the project. Visit this factory and see connections between machines, types of valves, piping and much more!
With the "Definitive Guide to
Craft Brewery,your dream is possible, yes!
Cause you'll have everything you need to get
structure your factory in the best way, without taking any risk
of burning money or doing wrong installations that will
end up giving you some damage in the future or running
the risk of your project being rejected by MAPA.
This guide willessential...
For those in the initial stages of a brewery.

For those who want to open a brewery, but don't want to take risks.

For those who want to understand the structure of a beer factory.

For those who want guidance from someone who already
succeeded in opening a brewery several times.

For those who want to invest in the structure of a brewery but know how and where it is possible to save money in an intelligent way (avoiding the cheap that is expensive).

For those who want to understand the best factory layout for their brewery.

For those who are unsure about approving the Brewery at MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply - the body that regulates and supervises breweries).

But what happens if you don't have one?
direction in the assembly of your factory?
Note: I really hope this doesn't happen to you, but how
I've done several consultations, I know it's something completely common.

You can install machinery in the wrong places,
causing you to waste time and money.

You might end up designing a homemade blueprint and
illegal for MAPA.

You might end up investing in a factory
which is not productive.

Might end up setting up a frequented brewery
only by friends and not by customers.

You can make the wrong investments and need
knock down walls after the inspector visits you.
These are just some of the problems...
It's really too risky to do everything on your own, especially when
you have the opportunity to have in your hands a step by step that
teaches you to save smart.
Special Bonus: 3D Design
of a model brewery
The first and only end-to-end brewery model
built in Augmented Reality for you to use as
base on building your Perfect Brewery.
BRL 8,000.00
This bonus only works on some pcs:
Windows 7 64-bit or higher, Intel CPU I5 or higher
NVIDIA Graphics Card or AMD GPU with 2GB VRAM
Supports OpenGL 4.3
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660/Quadro K2000 and newer
AMD Radeon R9 260/FirePro W5100 and newer
4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
2 GB Video RAM (4 GB recommended)
For IOs systems, it is possible to access all augmented reality only through BootCamp or only view the interior of the factory through a cloud access link.
What will be the necessary investment?
For you to have access to the content of the Definitive Guide to Craft Brewery Projects (4 months of work) and the Floor Plans that I am going to give you, you would have to spend at least…

Machinery Purchase Benefit Cost Worksheet (free)
Humanized Floor Plan with process flows and Longitudinal and Transverse Sections (BRL 1,097.90)
Hydraulic Project (BRL 1,000.00)
Electrical project. (BRL 1,000.00)
Machine Piping Design. (BRL 1,000.00)
Coverage Project.(BRL 1,000.00)
Lining project. (BRL 1,000.00)
Three-Dimensional Images. (BRL 1,000.00)
3D design brewery model. (BRL 8,000.00)

TOTAL=BRL 15,097.90
Because in this material I reveal basically all the content I deliver
in a 6-figure consultancy that I charge my clients.

Meet Marianna Rabelo
Hi, I'm Marianna Rabelo. I'm Eduardo Neves' wife and stepmother to two beautiful girls.
I found myself in entrepreneurship from an early age, long before completing my graduation or having any other title that would allow me, in theory, to act as a liberal professional.
I currently have a company specializing in smart solutions for breweries and, in just one year (2019-2020), we managed and optimized half of the breweries in the DF.
In 2020, with the new world scenario, we focused on helping other entrepreneurs interested in setting up their own brewery, teaching them exactly what we do. Today we operate in 13 states.
All rights reserved | @Embu Consulting 2023